Terms of Use
& Policies


Welcome to the Albina Community Archive, a digital repository documenting Albina's arts and culture legacy.

Our mission is to engage community members and mission-aligned organizations to preserve digital versions of the Albina community's historical materials. We encourage you to revisit the archive as new items are added on a regular basis. These items include photography, film, audio, articles, and printed materials.


The Albina Community Archive requires that the following credit line accompany all reproductions of our items used in publications, productions, and websites: "Courtesy of Albina Music Trust." If space is available, metadata associated with an item may be included. For further citation guidelines for papers and articles, see Citing Electronic Primary Sources on Purdue's LibGuide.

If using items from The Albina Community Archive on your social media, the archive requires the following credit lines:


Unless otherwise noted, the Albina Community Archive is not responsible for the content of any materials on this site. If you are the copyright owner or have any information about the copyright status of an item you've seen on our website, we want to hear from you. Please contact us and make sure to include your contact information, a link to the relevant content, as well as a statement of the issue.


The Abina Community Archive includes historical materials that reflect the beliefs and perspectives of their subjects and times, some of which may be offensive to users. The Albina Community Archive does not endorse the views expressed in these materials.